Four Important Questions and Answers about Telehealth—and why it’s essential for Mental Health Practitioners

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, telemedicine and related terms refer to the exchange of medical information via electronic communication to continue patient care plans when physical appointments are either challenging, or not an option.

To put it simply, ShareNote’s Telehealth system is a secure, HIPAA-compliant mechanism for continuing patient care, when patients or practitioners cannot physically operate in the same space; healthcare industries are seeing this need now, more than ever given the circumstances we’re facing with COVID-19.

Why should I use Telehealth?

The CDC has recently recommended that individuals with preexisting mental health conditions continue their treatment during times of social-distancing, and to be even more mindful of worsening symptoms with increased levels of stress and anxiety.

In uncertain times, Telehealth services provide patients and practitioners alike a sense of normalcy and continuation of imperative patient services, all while staying in compliance with HIPAA regulations, state and federal lockdowns or social distancing guidelines.

Telehealth provides many benefits for patients and practitioners, including ease of access (a computer or mobile device with access to an internet connection is all that is required), fewer missed appointments, reaching new clients and providing a patient care option that’s more flexible and adaptable for patients and their busy lifestyles.

What can it do for my organization?

Telehealth empowers practitioners with virtual clinics, without fear of potential health concerns and minimizes risk to you and your staff.  Long term, it provides a more sustainable and approachable way for patients to continue care.

Can I bill insurances/Medicare/Medicaid for Telehealth services?

Yes – in most cases.  Medicare patients have the option to utilize Telehealth for office, doctor and hospital visits that are typically done in-person.  We recommend touching base with your client’s insurance to confirm what they will accept, what services you can bill for and how to bill them for those services.

Louisiana Telehealth Services in

In order to assist with the addition of telehealth service codes for providers that wish to provide the newly approved services, we have updated our LA Services Pick List based on the information provided by LDH.

  • Browse to Services Manager in
  • Select the “View the Louisiana Services Pick List” button near the top.
  • Check the box beside the service to select the desired telehealth service(s) that you wish to add.
  • Click the “Add Selected Services” button to insert the selected services into your profile.

ShareNote will update your billing profile and submission of batch billing will be available following the ShareNote processes you normally use for billing.

*** This setup will allow you to document and bill via the system, however, reimbursement will depend on the MCO’s ability to add and process these new codes within their system. There may be a delay in payment that is outside the realm of our control. Please plan accordingly. ***

Recommendations from LDH

  • Confidentiality still applies for services delivered through telemedicine/telehealth. The session must not be recorded without permission from the recipient or authorized representative.
  • Develop a back-up plan (e.g., phone number where recipient can be reached) to restart the session or to reschedule it, in the event of technical problems.
  • Develop a safety plan that includes at least one emergency contact and the closest emergency room (ER) location, in the event of a crisis.
  • Verify recipient’s identity, if needed.
  • Providers need the permission of the recipient and the recipient’s parent or legal guardian (and their contact information) prior to initiating a telemedicine/telehealth service with the recipient if the recipient is 18 years old or under.
  • The recipient must be informed of all persons who will be present at each end of the transmission and the role of each person.
  • Recipients may refuse services delivered through telehealth.
  • It is important for the provider and the recipient to be in a quiet, private space that is free of distractions during the session.

Billing and Reimbursement

For these services, the providers must bill the procedure code (HCPCS codes) with modifier “95,” as well as Place of Service “02” when delivering the service through telemedicine/telehealth. Reimbursement for visits delivered via telemedicine/telehealth is similar to in-person visits, subject to any terms and conditions in provider contracts with Medicaid managed care entities. Reimbursement will be the same as the MHR community in- person rate. 

Providers should contact their contracted MCO for information that may affect billing procedures and reimbursement rates. 

Claims processing systems will be updated by March 27, 2020. Before that date, providers should continue to submit claims and they will be recycled with no action needed by the provider. A list of relevant procedure codes is included below. Providers must indicate place of service 02 and must append modifier 95 ( will automatically add the 95 modifier). 

Additional Resources from LDH

Can I allow Staff Extra Time to enter notes without turning off the Note Lock altogether?

Yes, You can allow 1 or more staff additional time by adjusting their “Days To Enter Notes” in their Staff Profile.

 Manager > Staff Profile > Staff Name > Edit > Scroll Down > General ShareNote Settings.

Image shows the General ShareNote Settings options.

0 is the default, meaning it defers to the setting in Preferences. Update this number to give this Staff Member additional time to enter notes without Unlocking the time for your entire agency.

Creating a CMS-1500

Please note that you must be a billing manager to view the ShareNote billing section and have access to the CMS-1500 generator.

  1. From the main menu in ShareNote, select MANAGERS > DIRECT BILLING > TRANSACTION HISTORY.
  2. If so desired, fill out the search settings and then click the VIEW TRANSACTIONS button.
  3. Click the VIEW link for the transaction that you wish generate a CMS-1500 for.
  4. You should now see all of the claims within the selected transaction. Clicking the GENERATE CMS-1500 button will download a pre-filled PDF version of the CMS-1500.

That’s it! You have now created a CMS-1500 form to use as needed.

Can I Verify Eligibility Before Adding a Client to the System?

Yes, if you have an Eligibility Profile set up and access to do so, you can run a check prior to entering a Client into the system.

Navigate to the [Client Manager]

Step 1: Click on [Add New Client]

Step 2: Click [Check Client Eligibility]

Step 3: Enter info in the mandatory fields

Step4: Click [Verify Eligibility] Results will show below.

How do I check Batch Eligibility?

First, you must request the ability to Verify from the ShareNote Help Desk. After you have been given access and your profile has been added, SELECT Staff will be able to verify eligibility for batches of clients and/or prior to entering.

Navigate to the [Client Manager]

Step 1: Select the Client or clients to be verified using the individual boxes or the Select All check box.

Step 2: Enter the verification dates

Step 3. Click [Verify Eligibility] to Submit

Your Eligibility will run in the background and populate in the client list below as well as in each Client’s Profile

How Do I add a Client Goal?

You may add Client Goals via the Client Profile. Navigate to the Client Manager, then Select your Client by clicking on their name.

(Refer to the Video for a more in-depth description of the entire process)

Step 1: Select the [Client Goals] Tab

Step 2: Select [Manage Goals]

Step 3:Enter data in each mandatory field

Step 4: Click [Add Goal] to submit.

How Do I add Service Authorizations?

(You May also refer to the Video for Adding Authorizations)

If you have Access, you may add Prior Authorizations via the [Service Authorizations Manager]. Navigate to the [Managers > Service Authorizations] Tab

Step 1: Select the [Create New] Tab

Step 2: Follow Step by step for Date, Client, and the services to be included.-Setting up and/or using groups is Optional.

Step 3: Enter the required data in each field. (See Image for valuable additional information)

Step 4: Set up your timeframe for alerts

Step 5: Submit
